With summer coming to an end, do you see some unfamiliar signs of sun damage on your face? Kind of looks like freckles, but they're not? Splotchy skin? Dark patches? Sun damage can be instant or take years of build up before appearing as hyper-pigmentation, but once it's damaged, it's damaged. Luckily there is something you can do to minimize the appearance.
For starters there are over the counter treatments you can get in a cream to help lighten the skin. Applied nightly, typically non-irritating, and all of them will either say "lighteners" or "reducers" or "eliminators" for spots on the labels. Clinque makes a really nice one, but drug store brands (Olay, Revlon, etc..) also make decent ones too. Concealer is another step to use in the meantime while the creams do their thing because it does take months for creams to work though, so don't expect overnight resolution.
Another solution would be to see your dermatologist who can prescribe you a more potent skin lightener. Mostly referred to as 'bleaching cream', and make your skin sensitive, so use sparingly. Best time to start these regiments are fall/winter when you are not parading around in the sunshine, but will still need sunscreen on your face while using the creams since the sun is still out, whether your trying to get it or not.
It's almost unavoidable since anywhere the sun shines and touches your skin is where sun damage can occur. So slathering on the sunscreen year round and doing post-damage control with the creams is the best way to keep your face in tip top shape. More extreme cases of damage definitely need a dermatologists assistance, so take care, take precautions and learn to love your skin.
(P.S. - Sorry for the hiatus in posting; I was enjoying my summer in Greece..now I'm using said creams to combat early signs of pigmentation I detect!)