Monday, November 29, 2010

Ready for a Make-over?

Ever wonder what a new lipstick color or complete makeup make-over would do for you? Ever wanted to try a new look but didn't want to invest in the product or color first in case you didn't like it? Well now you can see a realistic virtual make-over of yourself thanks to

Just upload a close up photo of your face, follow the easy to use tools and create a new makeup look in seconds! The precision application is awesome with a realistic side-by-side view of your new look. See my fun before & after photo with a darker look.

The best part about taaz is that the colors you pick to apply are actual products that you can buy (online or retail), so if you wondered what fuchsia lipstick, peach blush, blue eyeshadow and a black cat-eye liner would look like on you, now's your chance to try it on. Did I mention it's free? Did I also mention you can even try on different hair styles, sunglasses, colored contacts, brow shapes and other fun things?

This is a super fun and affordable way to try all those makeup products and looks without any investment, so go wild. Who knows, you might find a new look for yourself you may not have ever considered had you not seen it for your own eyes, so have fun.

Good Gracious!

Nothing makes me cringe more than bad makeup. What's considered bad? It's when you see a woman made up and you do a double-take because you can't believe she walked out of her house that way thinking it looked good. Granted I do accept that artistic creativity can sometimes play a role in wanting to "stand out" from the crowd, but if your makeup is so distracting that people are giggling or whipping out their camera phones to take a picture, see that as a sign to tone it down!

I was standing in line at Starbucks this morning to get my hot chocolate with a pump of peppermint syrup and among the the usual crowd there was a "which-one-of-these-things-is-not-like-the-others" standing two people in front of me. She casually turned around and glanced my way and I was a deer in headlights. Her makeup was atrocious and I am being kind when I say that. I looked around to see if there were hidden cameras to capture peoples reactions because it was THAT bad. Her clothes were completely normal, but her makeup looked like she lost a bet, did it in the dark, while color blind and without a mirror.

Without the given opportunity to disperse my makeup advice (by being asked!), I kept my glossed lips zipped and waited patiently for my hot chocolate while positioning myself to get a better look. Good gracious she needed my help! I tried to think of an opening to start a conversation with her while we waited on or orders, so I found something I could compliment her on, her attache case, and jumped in hoping she'd take the bait:

Me: "Morning. What a great bag, is it calf-skin?"
Woman: "Good Morning. It's actually treated leather"
Darn....that didn't work. What was I thinking, I need to talk about makeup!

Me: "This weather is so unpredictable. I'm wearing chapstick under my gloss so my lips don't dry out" (hey don't laugh, I only had a moment to engage her!)
Woman: "Oh I know what you mean. My skin and hair get so dry in the winter".

Double darn, that didn't work! Usually I find an opening to exchange beauty tips or advice with women in any situation. I know it might sound weird but it happens all the time. She got her order, wished me a good day and walked away. I looked at my watch to remember the time and felt it was now my obligation to hopefully run into her again and at the same time tomorrow to try and pick up where we left off. I can't let an otherwise attractive woman with no makeup sense continue to walk around looking like a clown's "before" photo.

I promise you if I could have taken a photo of her to post I would have, so in the matter of photo-shop fun, here is my rendition of what the woman looked like.
See what bad makeup on an otherwise pretty face can do???

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Holidays

I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday. Think of all the beautiful things in your life to be grateful for and count your blessings. 

Be happy, healthy and enjoy every moment because we only get one life to live, so live it well.

"The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others so." - Source Unknown

Friday, November 12, 2010

Looking for a Job? Only 90 Seconds to Make an Impression

Everyone has heard the saying "you never get a second chance to make a first impression", and this rule is most vital when you are going for a job interview. How you present yourself is as important as your work experience, and since your resume is what got you the interview in the first place, how you look during your interview will be the deciding factor on whether or not the employer will hire you, and it only takes 90 seconds for that impression to be made.

You would think the obvious advice applies: Dress to impress, but it goes beyond that. In today's job world you are competing with a handful of candidates just as qualified as you (or more), so you need to set yourself apart from the others in a good, memorable way. That means you must arrive at an interview in a clean, well-put-together outfit with neat fingernails, smoothed-down hair, light makeup and fresh breath. Keep the Louis Vuitton purse, Christian Louboutin shoes, Prada dress and Versace sunglasses at home. There is a fine line with looking like you need money to live or need money to shop, and you don't want to look like you are just there to supply your luxury brands habit.

Skip the glitter eyes and gloss, tight/revealing clothes and complicated hair. Keep everything simple, fitted, flattering and appropriate for the job you are applying for. Also, think twice about any eccentricities that you think make you look unique, such as pink hair or black nail polish, because it will affect their decision if you don't look "the part" of a professional. This rule does not apply if you are applying for a job at a fashion magazine, art-related industry, or ad/marketing firms, because there you can be a little more colorful with your appearance. 

Makeup should always be subtle and low maintenance. You don't want to look like you are headed to the bar after your interview so keep it simple, cover breakouts, dark circles and any visible tattoos. Personal hygiene counts too, so smelling like cigarette smoke can work against you, as can having body odor or wearing too much perfume. Because these conditions are within an individual’s control, an employee or job candidate who smells bad can be viewed as lacking professionalism. Skipping perfume all together is a better idea cause you never know who might be allergic and causing your interviewer a headache is not a good start.

Just remember, if you got the interview you already have a 50/50 chance of getting the job, so don't make your appearance be the reason you don't get it! Be sure to dress the part and make a lasting impression of someone they would want to work with and who would be a great fit for their company/office. Good luck.