My definite answer will always be "no". All women can benefit from the aid of cosmetics and beauty regiments. It sometimes makes me cringe when I see women out and about without a speck of makeup on, who need it, and wonder were they really that busy they didn't have a moment to apply some, or is it that they just really don't care? Especially when they make the effort to do their hair or put together an outfit...why stop there? Makeup isn't meant to be a mask but a tool to enhance.
Regardless of your agenda for the day, touching up your face before you step out to hide your imperfections, or highlight your assets, should be a step all women embrace, willingly. All the details are important. It doesn't make you (or me) high maintenance to care about how we look. Summer seems to bring out the bohemian girls more and more, and while they dress the part, they lack the finishing touch that can make casual look pretty (and effortless). The tend to look messy, sloppy and dirty.
Lack of a pedicure with open toe shoes is a big pet peeve for me. Either maintain your toes or don't make the rest of us look at your less than appealing feet. You spent money on rocking those sandals, wedges, heels; but yet can't be bothered to paint your toes or apply lotion? Really?? Not that feet are attractive in general anyway, but anything to make them look better is always a plus. Dry, scaly, knarly feet aren't pretty.
Dirty hair that doesn't look like beach or bed head, but more like a weeks worth of grit needs to be washed. I personally can go 3 days without washing my hair as I don't use products and my hair isn't oily but I never get to the point where it looks like it needs to be washed, and you shouldn't either. Dirty stringy hair is just not attractive.
Overgrown eye brows that missed their wax/tweeze appointment by 2 weeks are noticeable. Trust me...we can see the stray hairs sprouting up everywhere. Shaving your legs, under your arms too....seriously. Same goes for your upper's obvious, so take care of it.
A pimple that needs concealer. Under eye bags/darkness that need attention, dry lips that need sloughing, yellow/stained teeth that could use brightening...they are all things noticeable and economically fixable so don't be lazy and just do it. Au natural doesn't mean sloppy. You don't need to spend a lot to maintain the feminine details. Missing one, two or more all add up and look terrible overall. Don't be that girl.