Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Magic Powers of Makeup

Let's face it, not too many women can wake up and look glamorous without makeup. We may look presentable, yes, but glamorous, hardly. My love for makeup started at a young age, and even before I was allowed to wear it, I tried to sneak it every chance I could. Needless to say one of my older brothers lived to tell on me, so that euphoria never lasted long, but even then I knew the magic power of makeup because I was forbidden to wear it and that just made me want it more.Every time I leave my house I have the potential of encountering a new client, so not only do I need to know what I am talking about when these opportunities arise, but I also need to look the part too. I guess you could say it's part of my "job" to look presentable, but I really do believe it's every womens responsibility to present her best face at all times. Makeup isn't meant to mask who you are, but rather let your personality shine through, because we all know how good we feel when we "fix ourselves up".

As a makeup artist I always try to find the beauty in everyone I encounter because there is always one feature we love about our face and makeup only enhances those features. When you look good, you feel good. It's that simple, and it can really change your mood, make you more confident and speak up, rather than wanting to be invisible and just get through your day. Yes, makeup really does have magical powers and you need to allow yourself to fall under its wonderful spell.