Wednesday, February 18, 2009

10 Makeup Tricks

  1. Using eye drops (that are meant to get the red out) on a red blemish will "take the red out" making it easier to cover with concealer.
  2. Using a concealer brush or a Q-tip works best to spot cover blemishes when you apply it in a tapping motion on and around the edges to blend in.
  3. When you brush your teeth, run your wet toothbrush over your lips to exfoliate and make them smooth.
  4. Applying foundation and powder onto your lips prior to lipstick makes it last longer, and if you wear lip liner, it prevents it from feathering (bleeding into lip lines).
  5. Applying mascara FIRST before any other eye makeup allows you to clean up smudges or smears without ruining eye shadow or liner you may have already applied.
  6. When buying blush, the color of your cheeks when you pinch the apples (highest part on cheekbone) is your true color when you blush, and a great guideline to finding a natural color for you.
  7. Colored mascara is a great way to make your eyes “pop”.
  8. Makeup removing cleanser cloths (without water) are the best way to take off makeup before bed if you’re too tired to wash your face.
  9. Woke up with puffy eyes? Wet and chill a wash cloth in the freezer for 5 minutes and sit up while pressing it on your eyes to reduce swelling. Limit salt and alcohol intake before bed because that’s the culprit!
  10. Blotting sheets (oil absorbing papers) work better than powder to remove shine throughout the day because it won’t disturb your makeup and will leave your skin matte.