In a lifetime of "one day I will....." (insert proactive habit here) I have come to realize that too many of us (myself included) never actually do everything that we should that's good for us, until it's too late, too difficult (or irreversible).
I have always been fairly obsessed with my skin/face and always took care of it, but neglected my neck for some reason, and as I get older now I notice lines on my neck that weren't there before. So what do I do? I'm slathering on every over-night cream I can find and rushing to the dermatologist to get prescription strength potions to ensure my skin stays as youthful and tight as possible. Flawless is impossible, but I will try my best to get close.
So why do we ignore the signs to take better care of ourselves? From diet and exercise to skin care, we all slip a little from time to time, but it's time to get smart and get in the habit of healthy rituals that will allow us to live better, stronger, healthier and more beautiful lives.
I never used sunscreen as a kid and only started using it in my mid-20's. Luckily I never had a serious burn that left sun spots, but I know they are there, creeping under the surface of my skin (because the sun damage WAS done) and will eventually show up where I will have to deal with it, and I will be ready.
I will be 37 this year and although chronologically I am this age, my heart and mind don't feel a day over 26. Where did the years go? I pretty much do everything I can to make my skin (mind and body) healthy, and look its best because growing old gracefully is not a lifestyle I will ever embrace. If I have the tools and technology available to fight it, you bet I will use it.
So what are you neglecting that you need to change? No better time than today to start a healthy habit.