Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hidden Talent at the Mall Makeup Counter

Yesterday I went shopping at Macy's and was stopped 4 times as I walked through the beauty counters from sales girls trying to get me to sit down and get my makeup done. Initially I think, why would I want a make-over when I am clearly made-up, but understand they are just trying to make a sale. I stop to chat with the last girl to see what magic product she was promoting and noticed something that most makeup counter girls had in common: they were attractive, had nice skin and their makeup was tastefully done. To me, that's important. Just like I wouldn't get my hair done by someone who had fried dried out hair with horrible color. Depending on the cosmetic brand depended on the look each girl wore too, because I noticed Chanel, Shiseido and Dior girls wore more makeup, while Clinque and Lancome were done up lighter...just an observation.

Upon further discussion with the sales girl, I could see her makeup was artfully done and knew right away she knew what she was doing. I rarely ever let someone else do my makeup but sometimes it's fun to see what they would do different, so I sat down and let her do up my eyes in a 'night' look. She first asked me what the event was and what I would be wearing. Loved that. She wanted to create a look that was going to be right for me and the event and that is definitely important.

She then asked about any allergies I had or sensitivity to products I'd experienced and then proceeded to do my makeup once she had the go-ahead. She was professional, friendly and although I knew the ultimate goal was to sell me the products she used, she was still having fun doing my makeup and it was obvious she enjoyed doing it. She was done in 15 min and I was impressed with the new eye look she gave me that I asked for her card because there are times when I hire assistants to help me tackle large bookings, and she was clearly talented.

Granted not all sales girls in the makeup department are makeup artists, and I have seen (and heard) horror stories of such encounters, but there are some good ones out there if you pay attention. So next time you walk through the mall and browse the latest products, don't turn down an opportunity to get your makeup done because you just might walk away with a new look you'll love, and the products to re-create it, from someone genuinely talented.