Monday, December 13, 2010

What Are Eyelash Extensions?

Ever have eyelash envy? It's when you see someone with long, full, curled lashes and wonder why you were jipped in that beauty department. Most of us have experienced "eyelash envy", so mascara is the ritual makeup tool we need to use to create those full and lush lashes we dream of, only to wash them away when we cleanse our faces. Sad but true, we need mascara everyday to give the illusion of long and full lashes....until now that is.

Thanks to a fairly new method created a few years ago, eyelash extensions can give you those captivating eyes, morning, noon and night without the need for mascara. The process consists of a trained and certified technician who applies the lashes one by one to your natural lashes with a special glue that bonds them together, creating a water-proof seal. The results are unbelievable, beautiful lashes that can last up to 2 months with proper care.

So what's the difference with eyelash extensions and false eyelashes? Simple; one is temporary, not lasting more than 24 hours and can look fake. While the other is semi-permanent, lasting 4-8 weeks that look amazing and 100% natural. They fall off through the regular growth cycle of your natural lashes without harming them. It's a safe way to get those eyes that capture attention. After all, they say the eyes are the windows to the why not have a gorgeous frame around those windows?

For more information, visit my website for greater details.