Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year. New You.

"Out with the old and in with the new", as they say. Time to clean out your makeup drawer and start fresh for 2010. New outlook, new products, new attitude, new you. This is the year for change and what better way then to shake up your beauty routine...or better yet, start one! No matter how young or old you are, there is never a bad time to start taking care of your face.

So, invest in some products that work for your skin type and condition. Make that appointment with the Dermatologist to address and fix those issues. Wash your makeup off before bed no matter how tired you are. Cut back on alcohol intake which can wreck havoc on your skin. Increase water consumption for a refreshed complexion. Toss out liquid products that have chemically separated. Try that new lipstick color. No matter how subtle or insignificant you think the change will be, just do it, because sometimes even the slightest change makes a big impact.

Continue to be happy, healthy and beautiful for 2010.